Dry Eye and Blepharitis

Dry Eye and Blepharitis

Dry eye is a very common condition, which results in the eyes feeling gritty and irritated. It can cause vision to become blurry and variable especially while reading. It presents in varying forms. The eyes may simply not produce enough tears due to dysfunction of the lacrimal gland, or the eyes may be very watery as the tears are not in the correct balance. The tear film is made of 3 layers, mucous, aqueous and lipid; if one of these layers is not being produced properly the result will be dry eye. 

Treatment options include artificial tear lubricants, oral supplements and punctal plugs (to prevent the tears draining away) Treatment for blepharitis ( also known as Meibomian gland dysfunction) is more complex and involves a variety of treatments including warm compresses, eyelash and oil gland cleaning as well as specifically prescribed eye drops. Other more advanced treatments include oil gland expression using BlephSteam. More recently Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments are being used with good results. At Southside Eye Centre we offer a full range of treatments for this condition. It is important to understand that treatment is designed to control rather than cure the condition.

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Our staff will inform you where your procedure will take place
Some procedures can be performed at our practice, however others will need to be performed at the nearby Eye Tech location.  
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