
What is a pterygium?

A pterygium is an abnormal growth of conjunctiva.  The conjunctiva is a membrane which normally covers the white part of the eyeball (sclera).  A pterygium occurs when the conjunctiva grows over the cornea (clear window at the front of the eye).

What are the treatment options for pterygium?

The only known treatment for pterygium is surgery. 

When do I need pterygium surgery?

Pterygium surgery can be performed in the following situations
1)     If the pterygium causing blurred vision
2)     If the pterygium is causing irritation.
3)     If the pterygium is changing the shape of the eyeball (astigmatism)
4)     If the pterygium is causing an undesirable cosmetic appearance.

Where is the pterygium surgery performed?

In Brisbane, our surgeons operate at EyeTech Day Surgery in Upper Mt Gravatt.

In Hervey Bay, we operate at the Hervey Bay Surgical Hospital.

Patients spend approximately 4 hours at the hospital on the day of surgery.  This time includes the time required for eye drops to dilate the pupil, the anaesthetic, the surgery and the recovery from anaesthetic.

What do I experience during pterygium surgery? Do I feel pain?

No pain is felt during the surgery.  You will be given sedation to relax you and put you in a “twilight” state.  The eye is numbed so no pain is felt.  You do not see anything coming towards the eye during surgery.